Co-chair, CPOST Advisory Board

Bill Obenshain is co-chairman of the Advisory Board for the Chicago Project on Security and Threats (CPOST) at the University of Chicago.

He is immediate past chairman of the Advisory Board of the John L. Keeley Center for Financial Services at DePaul University. Previously he was its Executive Director from March, 2007 to June, 2016.  The Keeley Center is a center of excellence for the Chicago area financial services community that delivers to students and practitioners the academic and extra-curricular programs that fulfill industry talent requirements and address the practical and theoretical interests of industry professionals.

Before joining DePaul, Mr. Obenshain spent 38 years in the financial services industry with Continental Bank and Bank of America. He held positions in Chicago, New York, Brussels, and London. He was the founder, in 1995, of Bank of America’s private equity business in Europe.  From 1995 to 2006, he was Managing Partner of BA Capital Partners Europe.

Mr. Obenshain is chairman emeritus of the Naval War College Foundation in Newport, Rhode Island; chairman of the Board of Visitors of the Dickey Center for International Understanding at Dartmouth College; chairman of the Advisory Board of CPOST, the Chicago Project on Security and Threats at the University of Chicago; immediate past chairman of Truth-in Accounting; and chairman of MV Credit, a European based group of investment funds. He is a director and immediate past president of the American School in London Foundation and a director of TimeLine Theater Company. He serves on the Advisory Board of Three Ocean Partners, a New York based investment banking boutique. He is a member of the Economic Club of Chicago, the University Club of Chicago and the Presidents’ Circle of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

Before joining Continental Bank, Mr. Obenshain served in the U. S. Navy for five years. He earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Dartmouth College and an MBA at Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business.