Summer 2024 Student Research Team

Will Fitz

Research Team Lead

Will Fitz joined CPOST as a Research Assistant in Summer 2023. He now serves as the Team Lead of CPOST's coordinated research efforts with the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point. Will graduated from the University of Vermont in 2018 with a BA in European Studies and will begin the University of Chicago's Master's of Arts Program in the Social Sciences in 2024. He recently lived in former East Germany for three years to research far right extremism and had a unique opportunity to study the use of US-Confederate symbolism among the German far right.

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Zachary Leffel

Research Supervisor

Zachary Leffel is a graduate student at the University of Chicago pursing an MA with the Committee on International Relations with a focus on institutional diplomacy. He joined CPOST as a Research Assistant in the summer of 2023 and currently serves as a Student Research Supervisor for the American Political Violence project. Zachary also participates in athletics as a varsity cross country runner at the college.

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Joe Beadman

Research Assistant

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Kyle Farrell

Research Assistant

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Alex Annenberg

Research Assistant

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Antonio Bush

Research Assistant

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Xochitl Carerra

Research Assistant

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Gabriel Chalker

Research Assistant

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Leonardo Giorgini

Research Assistant

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Kenatu Habetaslassa

Research Assistant

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Constance Hammer

Research Assistant

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Yasmin Hashem

Research Assistant

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Zjahna Lamberti

Research Assistant

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Aidan Li

Research Assistant

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Megan McLaughlin

Research Assistant

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Taryn Murphy

Research Assistant

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Nangwa Nyambose

Research Assistant

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Nikhil Sharma

Research Assistant

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Juan Ulloa

Research Assistant

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Alexandra Zak

Research Assistant

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